2008年11月1日 星期六


只轉成功了一部電影(Secret 720p DTS), 並加載中文字幕(內嵌),但誤設定"Lock Size",歪打正著的限定在4GB以內.
2008/11/02, 又轉了一部Die Hard 720p. Kbps bit-rate設錯,後來查說明文件才知720p的電影至少要設5000 Kbps以上,只設了1024 Kbps bit-rate,檔案變成1.5g,正重轉中.

為了讓 PS3吃進去, the original H.264 encoding guide 建議了二種不同的的影音格式(容器), VOB and M2TS. 此二種優於 MP4 格式(4GB限制及支援AC3 5.1 聲道).
P.S. VOB會有快速尋找的問題,但仍可用.唯有M2TS格式可擺脫4GB限制並擁有5.1聲道音效.

像是 1280 x 544 影像會在最上面的 544, 下半段的畫面會變成綠色, 得要經過一番手續將影像Resize變成 720p 標準(1280*720)才行, 至於 1080p 也會有相同的問題,必須調整1920*1080, Resize工具當然就是選用RipBot264囉!

1. "CQ" (constant quantizer) and "CRF" (Constant Rate Factor).
CRF設 愈高則檔案品質及Size愈小.
CRF 設 18 則會獲得幾乎無損的檔案 (100% quality),
CRF 設 "22" (default) 的檔案看起來還OK.
唯一會遇到 的問題是不可預測的檔案大小,只要求品質,不計檔案大小.
2. "2-Pass" - 可設定 "Lock Size" 以限定產出的檔案大小(含音效聲道).
若不選 "Lock Size",則可限定影像bit-rate(以 Kbps單位).
720p HD電影檔案, 至少須設定 5,000 Kbps, 可獲得還不錯的品質.

The recommended tool to extract video/audio/subtitles streams from MKV files is therefore mkvextract from the mkvtoolnix package ( current version 1.4.0 ) from http://mkvmerge.matroska.org. While mkvmerge is an easy to use CLI tool ( command line ), there is an experimental GUI from a long-time supporter of the matroska project, more about it here : http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=73819&highlight=mkvextract
since it could take more than 10 hours to encode a full movie even on the fastest CPUs
PS3 可支援 5.1 channel AAC sound tracks (the xbox360 is limited to 2 channel AAC).
PS3, the bitrate peaks should not exceed 15 Mbps (15,000 kbit/s, although I've observed brief peaks of more than 25 Mbps that seems to not cause problems, and that the Xbox 360 handled peaks better than the PS3)

The recommended tool to extract video/audio/subtitles streams from MKV files is therefore mkvextract from the mkvtoolnix package ( current version 1.4.0 ) from http://mkvmerge.matroska.org. While mkvmerge is an easy to use CLI tool ( command line ), there is an experimental GUI from a long-time supporter of the matroska project, more about it here : http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=73819&highlight=mkvextract

to be continued.....
